Group News: October 2017
Ocean Patriot Tank Gauging System
Monitor Systems were requested to visit the Diamond Drilling Ocean Patriot to survey the rig's existing Tank Gauging System.
Modifications and upgrades were carried out on the ballast board in the control room, instrumentation and PLC control hardware. New tank gauging instrumentation was supplied to monitor all Ballast and Utility tanks.
The current ballast control board was constructed of three equally sized 'piano' style panels placed side by side. Replacing the old pontoon graphics with two 42” touchscreen displays for visualisation of the system along with a third display fitted in the pilot house, each configured to display multiple parameters to assist rig operations provided many benefits to the operator, and significantly reduced the footprint area utilised for the Control and Monitoring system.
Mike Stott - Business Development Manager commented ... "Monitor Systems are delighted to upgrade the Ocean Patriot for Diamond Drilling. This project is one of many upgrades that Monitor Systems have carried out including / Talk Back System and Commissioning / Crown Block Monitoring System / Bulk Tank Control Panel Design / Inspection - Testing of new Generator Control Panel." Ocean Patriot Semi-Submersible Rig.
ABOUT: The new Tank Gauging System is based around a Siemens PLC and IPC hardware combined with LevelCom bubbler sensor technology. The sensors were mounted onto individual stainless steel frameworks, prewired, and connected with air and sense line manifolds using stainless steel tubing and fittings. Seven complete sensor frameworks were installed at different locations throughout the rig.
The new system also controls and monitors all pumps currently fitted to the console fascia, including pumps for water, deep well, bilge, ballast, emergency fire and main sea water cooling pumps, providing hours run and pump pressure information along with inclination, alarming, trending, and diagnostics.