Group News: 2017
Platform Control Room Remote Console
Monitor Systems Engineering was approached by Petrofac to discuss the feasibility in designing a communications console to remotely control the Dunbar Platform from the central control room of the North Alwyn Bravo Platform.
The new console houses all communications and interface equipment to enable a safe and effective operator station. It facilitates the data communications between the two North Sea platforms by utilising an existing subsea fibre optic infrastructure. The new remote console includes CCTV, UHF, VHF and telephone hot-lines for full communications, accessibility and control.
When installed and commissioned in the central control room of the North Alwyn Bravo platform, the new control console will provide operators with full remote access to the Dunbar telecommunications systems.
ABOUT: The Alwyn facilities were initially designed for a service of 20 years and to extend an efficient and safe operation beyond 2020, the company Total launched in 2004 an enhanced inspection and maintenance programme. In addition, major works have been completed to reduce the emission profile of the hub.
Thirty years ago, first oil was produced from the North Alwyn platform in the UK North Sea. The Alwyn field, located 440 kilometers North-East of Aberdeen was brought on-stream in November 1987. North Alwyn is currently one of the largest oil and gas processing platforms in the UK North Sea acting as a gathering hub for nearby fields.